5 stress reducing habits that really work

5 Stress Reducing Habits That Really Work

Developing robust habits is an important part of a building successful life. When habits are deeply ingrained they support you to reach your goals without having to push through limbic friction. Limbic friction is the resistance you feel when you struggle to do something new or challenging. Deeply ingrained good habits are like positive addictions.  Unavoidable Stress …

Work-life balance

Work-Life Balance and Stress

Being unbalanced in the way you approach your work and your home life can cause unnecessary, excessive stress. By using Choice Theory principles it’s possible to create a wonderful work-life balance. You know that having an unbalanced work and home life is stressful, unhealthy, and ultimately unsustainable. I’m sure you’ve heard lots about the importance …

Basic Intensive Training

Choice Theory Basic Intensive

Basic Intensive training is the first step in recognised Choice Theory Training. It is transformational psychological training that can be used as professional development in many fields and provides: – • A framework to understand human behaviour, and assist in making effective interventions at the point of greatest leverage.• Learning at both a simple practical …

How to Get Mindful About Stress

How to Get Mindful About Stress

To practice mindfulness for stress is to practice being fully present in the moment. When you do this, it’s not possible to be stressed. Unless of course, you’re under immediate physical threat. There is rarely anything to fear in the present. Most stress, anxiety, and fear is tied up with imaginings about the future. Initially, …

4 Ways to Manage Stress For Success

There’s no doubt that excess stress is a major health concern. But stress in itself shouldn’t be an excuse for low productivity. In fact, you can optimize stress to optimize productivity. Healthy levels of stress can actually make you stronger, more resilient, more creative, and more productive. This is called eustress. It’s the kind of …

Sex after prostate surgery

Sex After Prostate Surgery

And now to a topic for those with prostate cancer and their partners. This is a topic which is important and for some very emotional. What about sex after prostate surgery? My own journey is just that, mine. What I experienced and continue to experience is unique. Nevertheless, there’s something in every person’s individual journey …

In Control

Am I Really in Control?

Do you feel stressed and anxious because your life seems out of your control? Believing that you are ever really in control of your life is a fantasy. There’s only ever one thing in life that can you control, that’s you and that’s enough. We often measure wellbeing against how “in control” we feel. That’s …

No more bad days

I’m Having a Bad Day

Some days, you’re just not feeling it. You might be feeling tired, sad, and unmotivated. Other days you start off feeling great but the wheels seem to fall off: you get stuck in traffic, something goes wrong at work, or you have a fight with a significant other.  The Only Thing You Can Do There …

I Hate My Job

I Hate My Job!

Is “I hate my job” the first thing that you think when you wake up in the morning? Maybe it’s the last thing you think before going to sleep? Maybe it’s stopping you from sleeping altogether? Do you just not want to do it anymore? Is it causing you to feel anxious, depressed and sad? Maybe …